
Gradients, particularly the ‘shimmer’ were are a core element of our brand, built upon a set of tools that allow us to expand our collection to widers sets of gradients, using them far and wide. They are complex, rich and more extensible.

Making Gradients

1. Create a frame

Create a new frame and set a background colour. This can be solid or a gradient.

2. Draw shapes

Create shapes using core geometry and some custom curves, set some blend modes for fun.

3. Blur and layer

Blur, scale and move these shapes, duplicating and layering for desired effect.

Core Linear Gradients

These are our 3 core gradients. Simply created from a linear blend of our Primary and Supporting colour palettes, with a variety of angles. Feel free to play with these.

Brand Gradients

Linear Gradient, #E3BD38FF, 0.00%, #FCD23EFF, 48.99%, #FDE48BFF, 100.00%
Token set
Brand & Marketing
Linear Gradient, #5F5DFEFF, 0.00%, #F58FD3FF, 49.25%, #94F094FF, 100.00%
Token set
Brand & Marketing
Linear Gradient, #C472A9FF, 0.00%, #5F5DFEFF, 48.68%, #161618FF, 100.00%
Token set
Brand & Marketing

Gradient Examples

Following the guide set out above, here are some example gradients for inspiration.